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Facial & Hybrid

Resurfacing Treatment

Green Power Treatment

$130 (gps 2)

This natural herbal exfoliator awakens skin with a combination of unique ingredients. A powerful antiaging formulation tightens and diminishes fine lines while reducing the appearance of pigmentation and acne scars.


Beneficial addition to any resurfacing series of treatments.

- 45 Minutes -


Stimulates and renews skin’s youthful glow by clarifying and refining skin texture.

Delivers bright, healthy skin rejuvenation.

INGREDIENTS Spongia Badaga, sea fennel, lilac and Argan plant stem cells, Mastiha.

FAQS Prior peels and resurfacing are required before the Green Power Treatment.

Add On Features

+ $20

ADDITIONAL PEEL LAYERS                             

LED & INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY                             

per 20 minute session 


per 20 minute session 

(Treatment takes place during LED light therapy if used)

ILLUMINATING DÉCOLLETÉ Exclusive ingredient technology from the Mediterranean, this décolleté treatment stimulates and exfoliates skin with marine botanicals. Citric and malic acids brighten and tighten with elite mastiha resin. This plush treatment reveals instant results for brighter, healthier skin.



+ $20

Call for appointment

32 Braden Hollow Rd.

Frankewing, TM  38459


(931) 309 - 8229

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